Education and Training
In today's modern and ever-changing commercial environment, it is businesses which are flexible, knowledgable and able to adapt quickly which survive, and flourish. Success is achieved by working smarter rather than harder. While management and leadership are important, the quality of your workforce is even more important.
Successful businesses understand this and invest in their greatest asset, thier staff. Both their physical well-being, and their ability to work smarter will have great benefits for the business. Education in Manual Handling and Ergonomics has the ability to achieve these two outcomes. Looking after workers, and helping workers to look after themselves helps them to look after the business. This is the training outcome that Safe Hands aims to achieve.
Successful businesses understand this and invest in their greatest asset, thier staff. Both their physical well-being, and their ability to work smarter will have great benefits for the business. Education in Manual Handling and Ergonomics has the ability to achieve these two outcomes. Looking after workers, and helping workers to look after themselves helps them to look after the business. This is the training outcome that Safe Hands aims to achieve.
Manual handling is a task that we all perform. While the tasks vary in nature, intensity, frequency, complexity, and context they all carry some degree of risk, and they all have a potential impact on our bodies. And it is irrelevant whether we perform these tasks at work or at home as we only have the one body, our entire life, and the effects accumulate over the days, months and years.
The Wisdom of Hindsight and the Value of Experience are acknowledged by all. But we don't need to make mistakes or sustain injuries to work smarter. In fact, it's better that we don't make those mistakes as the effect on our body can permanent.
Staff who work smarter, at Work and at Home, are of greater value to your business. They are more physically capable over a longer period of time. They lead a happier and healthier existence which reduces the cost and lost productivity on your business. And by and large, they appreciate you more as an employer for looking out for their well-being. This in turn means greater continuity and lower staff turn-over, which is also good for business.
As your business' Partner in Safety, this the role that Safe Hands seeks to play.
ERGONOMICSErgonomics is the science of fitting the workplace to the worker instead of the worker to the workplace. This is an important distinction as fitting the worker to the workplace is like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole.

Our workers come in all different shapes and sizes, age groups, with varying levels of strength, endurance and physical fitness, and perhaps with an array of long term or pre-existing injuries. This is discussed further in the section Individual Factors.
Ultimately, managing the Ergonomic Risks comes down to good design. This is where Safe Hands can help.
You might be surprised to know that it is highly likely that in most businesses staff already know what the problems are with the work tasks they are performing, and in most instances they have a fair idea of the solutions. Where businesses usually fail to tap into this huge knowledge base is by not asking staff. What Safe Hands can provide is that consultation as well as the knowledge and experience required to bring the problems and the proposed solutions together in a cost-effective and a timely way.
Education and Training in Ergonomics helps businesses to build capacity and the ability to run these processes themselves. As your Partner in Safety, this is where we'd like to see your business eventually arrive.
For more information on the knowledge that Safe Hands can bring to your business, go to the links on Equipment Advice and Planning and Redevelopment Advice.